Like grains of sand
The brevity of your babyhood
Sifts through my fingers.
I cannot freeze time-
And while I don’t think I would wish to
Altogether, I sometimes wish to travel through it.
Back to sweet moments of a freshly bathed head on my shoulder
The pat, pat of your chubby hands on my arm
That first chuckle…
Other times I predict into the future-
“she will be a spirited child, a strong-willed wonder”
Today I gaze mesmerized by your tiny hands,
dimpled knuckles grasping at toys, books
your copper highlighted head angled intently toward paper.
acutely aware of the twinge I feel in my gut
Already I mourn the loss of you as a baby
I watch you- try to paint you on a cellular level,
Your fiery will , your smile, your softness
The sound of your toddling feet, your giggle
lest I grow old and forget
you as My Baby