Sunday, April 27, 2008

As if parents don't have enough to worry about...

Well another teen starlet to go down the tubes ... The next thing we will hear is that she is
a.) pregnant
b.) shaving her head bald

A fifteen-year-old girl semi-nude in Vanity Fair? Silk sheets around her?? Please. Our nation has hit a new low that this rag would market this to us, fully expecting to continue to sell magazines after such a stunt.

Of course there are obvious questions. Among them what were her parents thinking? What was Annie Leibovitz hoping to portray through this work? Or has she utter sold out to her benefactors? The very cynical side of me wonders if Disney is actually behind it? Do they need to so alter her current pop-girl image to a more sexualized adult one? Ratings down? (though that would be difficult to believe since everywhere you go you see a Hannah Montana shirt/bag/shoes/poster/sunglasses/lunchbox. Aren't there classier more tactful ways to do such a thing?

Hannah Montana was one of the VERY few singers that I did not have any reservations with our 5 girls listening to. Granted, I think the hyper-commercialization a la Disney is objectionable and obnoxious, but it IS Disney. There are so few role models that the kids think are **cool**. It is sad a bit scary to think that another precious life- Ms. Cyrus's is slipping down the gunky Hollywood tube.