Wednesday, January 25, 2006


There is a book that I read once called The Artist’s Way. The book is wonderful aid to those of us who make our living and our life creating things. It contains wonderful information that I would highly recommend to anyone who needs to have access to their right brains left consistently in an “on” position. There are tools and suggestions on how to stay in the habit of making art, staying creative, and generally doing one’s life work as we artsy-fartsy ladies and gents are compelled to do.

In this book the author describes someone that many of us have in our lives. Often (and unfortunately) there may be MORE than just one of these persons. These special people are described as Crazy-Makers. Tranquil moments of peace, quiet, objectivity and creativity quite simply are not possible in the general vicinity of such individuals. These people are often blocked creatives themselves, and are basically miserable. Perhaps it is that they try and distribute their own misery as a way to lighten their load? I can only imagine the myriad of reasons we become what we become- there are many motivations and reasons, and choices that are made. Indeed, there is a certain sadness I feel for such individuals, praying often for their safety and salvation, and that they may find joy and truth in their life. To my great disadvantage I am caught in the Wheel-o’-craziness when the Crazy-Makers in my life choose to commence the insanity. Certainly there are physical or psychological barricades that might be erected at the bugle call… but I have yet to find them. Since extracting myself is impossible, I have only the choices of how I will react when the Wheel rolls perilously into my path. Since as a former democrat I can’t bring myself to own a handgun, and as a Christian there is no way that I could USE a hand gun it is not an option.

I think I have discovered why people play violent video games.

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