Wednesday, February 15, 2006


It is ironic that after my last post (my perennial distraction of gardens and spring) it snowed almost 18 inches! HA! This morning as I drove away from the house my children were noticing how glittery and sparkling the snow was. Everything in its season has a beauty unique to it.

The day after the dump came on the East Coast the kids (of course) could not wait to get out in it. After the initial drama of getting 5 kids ready for arctic conditions it was fun to watch them wade through snow that came past their knees. One of our sweet ones is sort of a snowman fanatic, so before she even left the door she was out with her carrots, sticks for arms and prunes for eyes. Finally the new sleds were put to use after waiting in the dry garage since Christmas. Unfortunately, the snow was so high they hardly had a chance to use them to their satisfaction. Hot chocolate and grilled cheese was enjoyed by all- especially by those manly shovelers who worked a great deal that day.

One benefit to snow is the incredible illumination that goes on indoors in the mornings from all the reflected light. It reminds me of the bible verse: Psalm 51:7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Mornings after snows when the sun approaches the horizon and goes on to break through in glorious rays- initially rainbow colored this part of the year- is a treat. It makes the cold mornings feel like a special treat.

Speaking of sun, I noticed how much longer it dallies in the sky before retiring for the night. I have to admit how much I benefit from even and extra 15 minutes! I feel so much more energized!

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