Friday, April 21, 2006

It really struck me today what a miracle this world is- that God designed the plants to come up at just the perfect time, that the seasons changing, even if only subtly, are so important to we humans who need to mark their lives within a recognizable framework. Lovely. Every day I am able to grow in confidence and defendable certainty that this life we are given is no accident or a mere mixing of chemicals at a coincidental point in history. God designed this creation with us in mind and for our use.

We did some earth day activities today, one of which where we made rubbings of different tree barks. Such amazing fingerprints for each tree- each unique and magnificent. We incorporated some leaf rubbings as well. Leaves have got to be one of my favorite artifacts in nature.

My daughters just love to be part of the outdoors. They learn experientially the best, so while it is difficult for me to gauge exactly what they have “gotten” out of the different activities that we have participated in, I know that in the very least they have a physical memory and appreciation of where they did it. I am blessed to be such an integral part of these amazing creature’s lives…

It is easy to go overboard with earth day and start to espouse things on global warming that are way over even most adult’s heads. To be free of public schools and the scripted discussions is a wonderful thing, to NOT have my words mimic the prevailing political stance or counter stance on hot topics is key to why we school at home. That said, it is sometimes tempting to use that same language simply to “teach,” forgetting that until that hierarchy in learning is achieved, where the children will be able to make a decision based on the merits of the argument of their own volition, they will just be meaningless words. I have gotten so critical of what I read in the newspapers, on-line and on seen tele programming. I am so distrustful of media in the last 5-10 years as I have gained a bit of personal widom.

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