Today was eventful- our dearest, smallest one is attempting to crawl. The scooch backward is in effect, the strong bowed arms , the lifted head and arched back- in mere moments she will be on her way.
This mark of independence has already suggested in my mind her going off to college. Small steps in that direction, I know, but the tiny steps set a trend for the giant leaps. I am grateful that she is not the first- to whom I longed to see the milestones before they were ready, couldn't wait for them utter their first words, see their emerging characters as they blossomed from babes to children. For this dear child I wish to savor every moment. I relish in the delicate skin, the find hair, the toothless smiles, the early morning coos and calls. I love being the comfort to her cries, the antidote to sadness for her. Love it.
I simply cannot be too busy to enjoy every moment of her. So while my house is a disaster, our breakfasts are simple affairs, many conversations with friends must be tabled, and great books are put aside, for this season, I have an extraordinary subject to study. It is but a short time, the briefest of moments, that I will have this opportunity. I dare not miss a second.
This mark of independence has already suggested in my mind her going off to college. Small steps in that direction, I know, but the tiny steps set a trend for the giant leaps. I am grateful that she is not the first- to whom I longed to see the milestones before they were ready, couldn't wait for them utter their first words, see their emerging characters as they blossomed from babes to children. For this dear child I wish to savor every moment. I relish in the delicate skin, the find hair, the toothless smiles, the early morning coos and calls. I love being the comfort to her cries, the antidote to sadness for her. Love it.
I simply cannot be too busy to enjoy every moment of her. So while my house is a disaster, our breakfasts are simple affairs, many conversations with friends must be tabled, and great books are put aside, for this season, I have an extraordinary subject to study. It is but a short time, the briefest of moments, that I will have this opportunity. I dare not miss a second.
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