Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pay attention: Cross the street without your *&^%^& iPod

Okay, like Duh. There are so many people who are simply not paying attention. They are in their own little world and can't for even a minute drag themselves away from their music/cellphone/email- even to CROSS THE STREET_

so a brilliant politician decides that it must be time to introduce a bill; see below

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New Yorkers who blithely cross the street listening to an iPod or talking on a cell phone could soon face a $100 fine.

New York State Sen. Carl Kruger says three pedestrians in his Brooklyn district have been killed since September upon stepping into traffic while distracted by an electronic device. In one case bystanders screamed "watch out" to no avail.

Kruger says he will introduce legislation on Wednesday to ban the use of gadgets such as Blackberry devices and video games while crossing the street.

Tech-consuming New Yorkers trudge to work on sidewalks and subways like an army of drones, appearing to talk to themselves on wireless devices or swaying to seemingly silent tunes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

will never happen in nyc-jj