Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Nursery Rhymes

There was an old woman

Who lived in a shoe;

She had so many children,

She didn't know what to do.

She gave them some broth,

Without any bread;

She whipped them all soundly,

And sent them to bed.

There was an old woman… of course it couldn't be moi- I am FAR to young to be OLD... ha!

Recently upon finding out that I am with child, again, a certain person inquired when I would be moving into a shoe… I had to chuckle. I remember as a child thinking what a horrid poem it was. I never expected to love so much so many dear ones. Each of them is a source of delight. This evening the air was slightly warmer than the preceding weeks and the children were on fire to run, scooter, blade and bike outdoors. Soon other things beckoned.

We have a generous helping of grape hyacinth along the front of our home and one of our bushes, the regal Andromeda is flowering as well. Forsythia has loudly announced its arrival in a show of spiky yellow- and much to the kids delight- all flowers were well within reach of small hands and scissors. One of the kiddettes had the great idea to sell petite bouquets of these spring delights to our neighbors. I encouraged them to spread the love- a grand idea, but for FREE…With shrieks of delight and a great deal of creativity and foil to hold the fragile stems in position were the bouquets delivered to my indulgent neighbors.

After an evening of such revelery and fun I hardly had to whip a single one into bed, as they each and everyone had visions of flowers and gentle, creative play to coddle them to sleep- and not in a stinky old shoe either…

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