That is what I have: too much and very many. I am blessed by a great deal of things- materially and spritually. We have many children and a decently sized, beautiful home that fits our family. This also constitutes a great deal to clean and manage. There are many birthday cakes to make, smiles to savor and fights to referee, and never enough band aids for the boos boos- both real and imagined. Right now there is too much heat, and I have too much baby in me to deal with all this heat and an un-air conditioned minivan in which I have taken 2.5 million whole-lotta trips today. With a 1 year old in tow.
This evening I have a great many papers sitting on the school table behind me. Semi-organized but not good enough for the homeschool review I have tomorrow at 10 am, after I drop kids off at camp and pick up the babysitter, take her to our house and set out to my appointment. Inside this box by my right knew are a whole ton of files on the hard drive for me to print out to show our field trips, art projects and whatnot. Unfortunately I do NOT have much ink for the printer left. I also am short on the energy and tenacity required to slay this organizational Goliath by midnight when I assume I will expire. I running out of space in my body for this too- big baby- measure 4 weeks ahead of where I should be given my due date. Too little of me. Deep breath. (Getting out my sling shot…)
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