One day, I will not be as exhausted as this and will be mourning the loss of infant sized clothing. Today, however, is a tired day, a full and fullfilling day, but one where I stare longingly at my pillow and desire a re-introdcution.
I think it might go something like this:
Me: Hi- my name is Tired Mom- I couldn't help but notice you from across this crowded room- I'd really like to cuddle up to you- if that is okay with you, that is.
Pillow: Hiya- I'm flattered- really- it's just that those circles under your eyes- well it put me off a little, and, like- when was the last time ya did your hair? Brushed your teeth? Sorry- but there are other sweeties I would rather have cuddle up to me....
Me: but like- you don't understand- I am a crazed mom of a newborn- like I NEED YOU- like I've never needed anything before- disregard my exterior- I would sleep solidly if not disturbed!!
Pillow: But your're the kind that gets up in the middle of the night- walks around- talks in strange sounds, keeps checking on small people for breathing like somkinda manic- you are SO not my type- heck, you are even inclined to jam me under your elbow to help you breast feed! Like- dude... how rude.
Me: You're right, I am not your type... maybe in a few weeks I will introduce myself again...
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