Thursday, July 06, 2006

This compiled over the week past my due date:

You Know You’re Overdue When:

At the O.B.’s office your aim into the cup is dead center

You use your insurance card so often that you attempt to use it as a debit card at Target by mistake

You waste no time in making shoe selections for the day: you are limited to the 2 pairs of flip flops that barely fit…

You eye all weather reports with temps above 70 degrees as WAY too hot…

Your maternity clothes are all too tight

You choose clothes at night for the following day just in case you go into labor over night

Every morning you wake up and think “Well, last night wasn’t the night- it MUST be today!!”

Your bag for the hospital mysteriously starts to creep closer to the front door

Your incoming phone calls and emails all begin with “Have you had the baby yet???”

Your bathing suit leers at you from the depths of the closet

You feel entitled to chocolate at breakfast, and every other meal

You no longer feel vaguely guilty about purchasing 2 pints of ice cream at a time

You start to remember all the bizarre baby names and their meanings without trying hard

While at the ob you bump your belly on the vertical stand of the scale

You read and reread what signs of labor are just in case you’ve missed it…

You convince yourself that you ARE indeed in labor… just like last week…

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