Monday, August 14, 2006

10 Years Ago...
1. I was 21 and getting ready to go to art school after leaving a large school in Virginia
2. had moved back home
3. In a sad place emotionally and feeling lonely
4. waited tables for cash
5. excited to finally really do art with people who knew it

6. didn't trust God or know that he wanted me to know Him

5 Years Ago...
1. I had twin 3 year olds who were darlings…
2. I had just met the man of my dreams and we were “telling people” that we were getting married in October
3. I was getting to know 3 sweet children that I would soon be sharing my life and home with
4. God loves me!?? Still coming to that realization...

5. I was very involved in my church community and played bass in the band
6.Loved doing graphic design, hated leaving my babies to be cared for by someone else

1. couldn’t sleep after being awakened to nurse at 5 am
2. baked a caramel cake from Maya Angelo’s recipe book- had it iced by 7:30 am
3. Got 6 kids dressed and went to church- all 8 of us sliding into a pew
4. Drove in a landboat with my husband at the helm to see his grandparents in Pennsylvania
5. hurriedly nursed a baby off of interstate 95 in the front seat during a potty stop
6. spoke with a woman in her 80’s who inspires me to be kinder, gentler, more loving- not to worry so much about my selfish goals for this life but to think eternally

Snacks I Like...
1. Favorite all time late afternoon snack: chip and salsa with a side of negro modelo beer (bonus with my guac. if I have made it)
2. crackers with mayo and cheddar cheese
3. veggies with dip
4. smartfood popcorn
5. dark chocolate
6. cup of creamy coffee
7. smoked or wasabi flavored almonds

5 Songs I Know All the Words To (there are so many for Opera in the car time, but here are a few…)
1. Closer to Fine- Indigo Girls
2. Reedemer- Nicole C. Mullen
3. Gambler- Kenny Rodgers
4. Steve Miller, Crosby, Stills and Nash- all of them I feel like!
5. A tisket a tasket- Ella Fitzgerald

If I Had A Million Dollars....
1. pay off house and school loans
2. save for kids college (of course at this point there would not even be enough money for this… after including #1)
3. addition on the house
4. travel to France for a few weeks of love with my husband

5 Things I Would Never Wear...
1. Plaid pants
2. shaved short hair
3. any graphic alluding to death or guns
4. fluorescent shorts
5. hose with open toe shoes

Favorite TV Shows...
1. Anything on HGtv
2. The Bernie Mac show
3. Underwater documentary type shows
4. Travel channel
5. ER (long ago when it was good, ditto for Friends)
The air is soft with humidity. This week marks the turn toward fall that you wouldn’t know if you were only looking at the temperature gauge- you need to use your ears. When you exit the house in search of a little peace you find that you have entered a large scale, almost deafening performance. The crickets are screaming in the August air tonight. If not for the crickets I don’t think that I would believe the calendar that it is already the end of summer.

It’s been one of those days when I wish I had seventy more hands to pair with at least half of all the hats I wear. My feeble mind simply cannot keep up with all that is going on, has gone on, and I can only barely consider what WILL go on in just a few short weeks. To think that again I will be teaching and caring for a newborn is almost more that I can handle- at least from this vantage tonight. But tomorrow brings another morning full of possibilities (and hopefully not too much chaos).

I am in need of encouragement for this homeschooling thing. I am both excited and anxious about the continuing of a very difficult thing. I don’t doubt that this is not for everyone- I question how God thought us suited to do it. But He did, and we are.