Saturday, March 17, 2007

Encouragement comes in many forms, but lately via blogs and forums. We have a large family and, as my children enjoy describing to anyone who will lend an ear, we are expecting again in August. The forums rock: where else can one ask in all seriousness- "How do you organize 12 people's socks?" Where else dare you ask if they have a family closet? (What is a family closet you ask? Look it up yourself as we don't have one here!) I have been called a saint twice in the last week- why? So interesting to hear other's perspectives on family size and rearing.

Simply knowing that there are others who battle the sock genie, wish for the laundry fairy to visit and obsess over how to feed, clothe and home teach many small persons on a budget bolsters my sense of well being. Heck, I even feel good enough that I am able to heft the large crock pot off the shelf and make yet another one pot meal, mostly organic, from scratch.
I am not looking for awards, just peace and love in my humble abode.

Discussing my upcoming sonogram a friend asked why I might not wish to find out the sex of our child. I mentioned that this 7th baby might be the last and I wanted it to be a surprise. Shocked she asked- MIGHT be your last??? She kindly advised all the birth control options available. Well, I think we are finished after this, but God hasn't told me flat out yet. I will wait on him. In the meantime I will cruise the forums, read the blogs, and pray for rest and sanity.

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