Monday, March 23, 2009

It is hard not to feel completely disheartened at times. I am a step-parent who has a ton to handle with fall-out from my step-kids mom and its effect on little people I love. I am a homeschooling mom to girls with some learning challenges and it is slow progress sometimes. I am tired a lot of the time. Small things keep me afloat- sunshine, good deeds my children do, love they share with me and with each other, the kindness of a dear husband, the commitment of my wonderful mother and the sweetness of close friends.

Of course there are big things that keep me up and that is my Lord. He knows where I am. He know the desires of my heart and I know his promise to me to never leave me nor forsake me. What a mighty God I serve who daily answers my whimpers in big and real ways. If only I had the energy and consistency to journal his constancy and faithfulness to me, the least of his servants...

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