Thursday, April 13, 2006

blueblog/happier things

Easter is here and I am just so exhausted- I have yet to get out the Easter baskets, I am completely distracted by the thoughts of tender shoots of green exploding from the earth- BUT NOT IN MY GARDEN yet because I have not decided what and how to include the beauties in my life with my budget, there is so much to do around the house, so many bible studies to follow along with, so many decisions to make… I am like a huge piece of toast­‑ crispy, dry and lifeless… well until you look at my stomach and see it burgeoning over the normal waistline and realize that I am like 8 months prego… no wonder I am exhausted. Of course I know that the exhaustion will really kick in when the sweet one makes her appearance. Ahahahahah. The irony of life.

Reminds me of a song.. these are a few of my favorite things...listed:

holding hands
watching birds at the bird feeder
margaritas and guacamole
eating al fresco
sitting on my porch swing
the feel of hardwood under my feet
opening the shades in the morning
Chinatown in new york
going to art museums and finding a new artist to follow
seed catalogs in February
babies moving inside my body
sipping red wine while cooking
blues women souling out
dancing like a maniac
driving through Louisiana at night over the bayou
French movies
watching children at the playground
the beach- all beaches
jogging through coffee fields
teaching about science to my dds
farmer’s markets
the smell of coffee
homemade bread with butter
fiction based in other lands
researching- love it
new sketch book
sharp pencils
new crayons
a gazillion sock in the kid’s drawers- matched and clean
being surprised by a rainbow
church bells
feeling protected
scripture jotted on scraps all around me
british slang words
long hair
scratchy beards
broken-in jeans
old letters
old ladies with red lipstick
talking to old men
asking about people’s lives
reading about how people lived long ago
learning a new instrument
finding a new words
swinging high into the sky to touch the clounds
walking after dinner
unexpected guests bearing gifts
God’s providing for us always
ladies sitting around talking about women’s things
planning trips
travel guide books
poetry slam books
historical African American fiction
playing with beads
lurking on other’s blogs
the smell of lavender
clean sheets
unexpected kisses on the neck
perfectly painted toenails
a dog who is always happy to see you
finding parents committed to serving God and dedicated to their kids
anything in Kauai
sketching new places
buying watercolor brushes
shopping with my daughters at boutiques
hanging out with my mom
watching my children with their grandparents
eating sushi with friends over a long time
getting out sweaters and boots for fall
the smell of leaves under foot
hiking and discovering something new always
God seeking me when I am hiding in my own world
my husband smiling at me
taking off in a plane somewhere
hot, hot showers
hot, hot, coffee with real cream
cutting flowers for the table
setting a table for a fun gathering
picking out pumpkins in October
listening to my dad’s police stories
sailing on the bay
scuba diving and snorkeling and seeing new things
pony tails with ribbons
afternoon romps
listening to my kids talk about Jesus
looking at old pictures
holding babies
spicy food
college towns
yarn stores
seeing a printed design project that I made
planning fun things to do for my family
old cooking gadgets
keeping secrets

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