Wednesday, October 04, 2006

It is already after 5 and I have so much to do., The blessed baby is asleep for a while and I actually had 4 hours of sleep in a row last night! Praise God! It still wasn’t enough sleep but I will take what I can get! Woo hoo!

The homeschooling is done for the day. I could feel my patience wearing. Volcanos, counting money, reading and writing, rocks. We are earth bound in our studies- money and dirt. Tomorrow we make a volcano. How fun! I hope we have a good time doing it. The girls really enjoy hands-on work.

Tonight I need to make a stationary package and finish the website. I am currently procrastinating for a few minutes of venting here before I make dinner. My mind is overwhelmed, as it may be from the craziness of this day. Tomorrow is no better.
Tomorrow is busy- we are doing what I have felt called to do more of- service. The 4 of us will go to serve dinner to a family we know mourning the death of a father. We will serve them food. Interesting to me how easy it is to feed people. I love it. I really take to heart what Jesus told Peter “Feed my sheep.” Sweet. THAT I can do. I may not have the right words to make anyone feel any better, but I hope my presence there and my FOOD will do the talking for me as I empathize with their loss. After that I pick up the organic produce, then school a bit, then tap and ballet, then quick home for boy scouts. I am tired thinking about it… HA! Not by my power though, right?


Anonymous said...

║ I Love You ║

Jessica said...

Thank you for inviting me to your blog.

I read some of your entries and find them insightful and uplifting. I don't know how you do it, I have great admiration for you.

Best Wishes to you and your family.
